The Association will be a non-profitable organization for promotion and advancement of knowledge and research in the field of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology, and to disseminate such knowledge in India and abroad.
To establish, operate, promote, run, maintain and manage programs engaged in advancement of research and teaching pertaining to Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology and its related disciplines.
To conduct conferences, CME, workshops, lectures, seminars and demonstrations to increase awareness and promote interest in the field of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology.
To create uniform laboratory-based protocols and guidelines for diagnosis and reporting of tumors and diseases pertaining to Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology that can be applied in all centers in the country.
To promote, develop and enhance scientific exchange through inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional collaborations in India and abroad.
To increase public awareness in terms of availability of facilities for laboratory diagnostic services in Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology.
To interact with other national and international bodies involved with or interested in promoting research and teaching of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology.
To assist Government and non-governmental agencies in all respective matters of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology.
To create general awareness regarding bone and soft tissue tumors through advocacy.
To protect and preserve the interest of its members.
To create and encourage mutual help and cooperation among members.
To help in training/ servicing, Bone and Soft tissue Pathology and its related disciplines.
To subscribe, to become members and to cooperate with and take part in any charitable, technical institute, association, or society whose objectives are wholly or partly identical or similar to those of the objects of this Association.
To promote integration and dissemination of knowledge in various field of human development activities specifically related to academic and other education programs.
To accept donations/ contributions from members and others for promoting activities on environment protection as well as social and human development and share such contributions to other organizations having similar objectives.